Database Administrator Remote System Support FAQ

Posted on: 27 June 2016

Running a database may seem like just one more task that you can assign to your IT department, but this isn't the wisest idea. You need to make sure database administration (DBA) is properly managed, which requires proper training and attention to detail. The following FAQ can better help you understand your options when it comes to DBA. Why do you need a full time DBA? You don't necessarily need a full time DBA, but you do need someone that works with DBA systems full time.
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Got An Old Computer? Repurpose It With These 3 Ideas

Posted on: 18 November 2015

If you have recently purchased a new computer, don't be so quick to dump the old one. Your old computer can be repurposed to be used as something even better than before. Here are a few ideas to consider for your old computer: 1. Use It for Cooking in the Kitchen. Whether you want a way to play your music collection while you're cooking, keep an eye on the current news or store and access your recipes, you can transform your old computer or laptop into a PC device that will help you do all of the above.
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How Computer Networking Operates

Posted on: 16 November 2015

In the white collar working world, you often have to take some of your work home with you, or practically live at the office to finish it. Either way, you are constantly on a computer of some sort; a desktop, a laptop, a netbook, a tablet, etc. If you do not have computer networking set up on all of the devices you use to complete your work projects, it can get very frustrating very quickly.
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Tired Of Workplace Snooping? Keep An Eye On What They're Watching

Posted on: 9 October 2015

Curiosity, meddling or just being nosy. There's many reasons for why employees or visitors may dig through files and search around for what they have access to, but some people are more aggressive in these searches than others. The snooping troublemaker may be desperate to see files that they don't have access to out of pure curiosity, or they may be looking for confidential information for illicit purposes. Casual users are able to cover basic tracks, but a few security auditing techniques and systems can help you figure out when information is being accessed by people who shouldn't be looking.
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