3 Career Fields To Pursue Within Cybersecurity

Posted on: 12 July 2018

Cybersecurity is a popular field of study because it is applicable to most fields, from healthcare to finance. If you are thinking about pursuing an education in cybersecurity or will enter the job market soon, there are several career fields to consider. 1. Cryptography Many people think of cryptography as more of a historic field, such as breaking secret codes. In modern times, cryptographers frequently work in cybersecurity to help develop code used to keep data secure.
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6 Tips For A Smooth Transition To Office 365

Posted on: 7 May 2018

Making the decision to migrate your business over to Office 365 is the easy part. The hard part is the actual migration process. Whether you're dealing with a small-scale deployment or an enterprise-wide project, there are plenty of pitfalls that could complicate or even derail your planned move. The following offers a few helpful tips that can make your Office 365 migration sail smoothly with few interruptions. Pin Down Your Migration Strategy First
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Why Your Small Business Needs A Virtual Phone System

Posted on: 15 February 2018

Running a business is all about staying connected. You need your team to be in the loop at all times, just in case a dire need comes up or a client needs assistance with something. If you're running a small business you might think it's enough for each person to have the mobile phone number of the other members of the crew. The fact is that you need to take it a step further if you really want your company to grow.
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Online Password Managers: An Introduction For Prospective Users

Posted on: 9 May 2017

From your email to your online shopping accounts, every last one of them requires a password to keep your personal information safe. While you could almost use the same, or a similar, password for just about every site, this is a surefire way to also leave all of your accounts vulnerable because if a hacker can figure out just one access password, they can get into everything. This often leaves you creating unique passwords for a multitude of sites and accounts, which can be incredibly trying on your memory.
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